With SailingMaker learning
is a dynamic process

Using these innovative and dynamic simulators, the instructor can teach in a school, a gym or in an open space all the fundamental techniques for conducting a sailboat before having to tackle the same in the water. Thanks to an electric-mechanical mechanism, these simulators, through an electronic rudder, allow the student reproduce the various reaches. A tilting system simulates the rolling, allowing the student to become familiar and gain confidence with instability and face his first excursion out on the water with ease.

Sailing school

SailingMaker is the only simulator that prepares and helps students to face with more confidence their first excursion out on the water. Through this dynamic educational tool and an easy going instructor/student communication we can teach all the fundamentals for conducting a centreboard sailboat: to manage the ropes, one’s balance, the reaches, to turn and gybe letting the student gain self-confidence and self-assurance for his first excursion out on the water.

The only one that can guarantee courses also in unfavourable weather conditions

No wind, too much wind and a rough sea are often unfavourable conditions to optimize your sailing course. In these situations, SailingMaker becomes the ideal tool to ensure your sailing course in all weather conditions.

Specific training sailing school sailing school and athletic training

Constant repetition on the simulator improves one’s skills, dexterity and rhythm. The instructor, constantly present, will correct positions and trim, shortening the learning and improvement span. By taking care of the young people’s position and posture, often overlooked, this is the ideal tool to use in preparatory training exercises and athletic training.

Promote the sport of sailing

SailingMaker is the ideal tool to learn about the sport of sailing and the club’s activities. Either in your town’s square, in a sporting event or a shopping centre, SailingMaker can promote at any time of year and introduce in a dynamic and lively way the sport of sailing and the activities of your club.

Sailing school

SailingMaker is the only simulator that prepares and helps students to face with more confidence their first excursion out on the water. Through this dynamic educational tool and an easy going instructor/student communication we can teach all the fundamentals for conducting a centreboard sailboat: to manage the ropes, one’s balance, the reaches, to turn and gybe letting the student gain self-confidence and self-assurance for his first excursion out on the water.

The only one that can guarantee courses also in unfavourable weather conditions

No wind, too much wind and a rough sea are often unfavourable conditions to optimize your sailing course. In these situations, SailingMaker becomes the ideal tool to ensure your sailing course in all weather conditions.

Specific training sailing school sailing school and athletic training

Constant repetition on the simulator improves one’s skills, dexterity and rhythm. The instructor, constantly present, will correct positions and trim, shortening the learning and improvement span. By taking care of the young people’s position and posture, often overlooked, this is the ideal tool to use in preparatory training exercises and athletic training.

Promote the sport of sailing

SailingMaker is the ideal tool to learn about the sport of sailing and the club’s activities. Either in your town’s square, in a sporting event or a shopping centre, SailingMaker can promote at any time of year and introduce in a dynamic and lively way the sport of sailing and the activities of your club.

SailingMaker in the world